Sunday, December 24, 2006

Reach for the ear-muffs, Albania have picked a song!

It's called Balada E Gurit, which translates as The Stone Ballad... it leaves you feeling not unlike you've spent the best part of an hour scraping a pumice stone across a veruca!
It's sung (read "wailed"), by a woman called Aida (she may be an Albanian opera star) and some old bloke called Frederik Ndoci, who sounds a bit like your Grandad after he's had a few too many.
Having said that, they have got to cut it down to 3 minutes so that's an improvement straight away.
It's all a bit like Zjarr E Ftohtë, but whereas during that, the singer was easy on the eye, there isn't much to even gaze upon during this. Oh well there's always 2008!
Drain yourself (and your ears) by clicking the link below.

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